We are at your service from: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 | Sat - Sun: Closed

    +359-2-8412407     office@almirk.com

International Transport

"ALMIRK" is a fast growing transport company, specialized in the field of international land transportation. Established in the beginning of 2000 with headquarters in Sofia, the company is already a well-known and established brand on the international market. The willingness and professionalism with which we approach every question, accepted request and effected international transport, constantly improve our position as a correct partner for international transportation services. The main activity of the transport company "ALMIRK" is the provision of international land transportation of groupage shipments and complete loads to the countries of the European Union, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus and others. The services we offer are:

  • Land transportation
  • Groupage transport
  • Groupage trucks
  • Groupage shipments
  • Partial and complete loads
  • Complete loads
  • Express deliveries
  • Freight transport